Wednesday 9 December 2015

Lose My Mind

Seeing colors in black & white, a darkroom that is so bright,
The grief of what is left behind, may just be making me lose my mind.

Even the sunlight feels so cold, pausing life has been put on hold,
The pieces of the puzzle I cannot find, may just be making me lose my mind.

Everything seems as clear as mud, as unimportant as is blood,
Seeing my whole life in rewind, may just be making me lose my mind.

It is the calm amidst the storm, breaking hearts is now the norm,
The feel of pleasure and pain combined, may just be making me lose my mind.

The peace fostered by the threat of war, where life and freedom are either or,
The axes that I have to grind, may just be making me lose my mind.

When even choice is left to chance, and destiny is in a conscious trance,
Look at how the stars have aligned, perfectly to make me lose my mind.

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